
India's 1st Undergrad program integrating life skills with real business exposure

Apeksha Rathod

“What are your hobbies?” Asked every scrapbook I filled, every relative I met. I have always struggled to answer this question. I never knew what my hobbies were.  All the other kids used to have hours & hours of classes throughout the day. But I hated going to classes. I preferred watching TV. I was Does having a hobby really matter?

Ever studied for an exam at the end moment? Of course, we procrastinate until the last moment. But why do we even bother studying at the end moment? Guilt. That is what drives me to finally start studying.  Every time before an exam, in my mind, I plan out my action plan.  I’ll start studying Guilt – Good or Bad?

“Beta, uncle ko thank you bolo!” As a child, all of us are taught to appreciate our relatives, community helpers when they do something for us.   But how often are we taught to appreciate our parents or even our siblings?  How often do we express gratitude without any good deed done? How often do Can’t you do this much for me?

Have you ever thought about what defines you? These days, all I can think of is ‘‘What defines Apeksha?’ Recently, someone asked me to define myself. Such a simple question, right?  But yet, I struggled to answer. I was blank. Then I was asked what are some of the good qualities I have inherited from ‘Hot & Sour’ Creates A Good Leader

My Shyness Hack

“Beta, aunty ko johny johny gaa ke sunao.” All of our parents have said this to us, right? Every time, I used to shy away and even today, I do. How do you feel when you are put on the spot? Does your heart start racing? Or are you able to wing it? Every time My Shyness Hack

Do you ever zone out when you’re talking to someone? Someone you care about? I had always known that my speaking skills are weak, but to realize that I am a bad listener too, was something else. Or who knows, maybe they are related? Recently, I went out with my friend. He had to get What You’re Missing When You’re Not Listening

Have you ever heard anyone say “read between the lines?” Have you ever tried practicing it yourself? When places started reopening after the lockdown, my father was still uncomfortable with me going out. I was super frustrated and had reached my saturation point. I finally went to my dad after he came back from work Reading Between The Lines

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