
India's 1st Undergrad program integrating life skills with real business exposure

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Live and Let Live

For years and years, I was desperately afraid to stand out. We all try to fit in. We try to fit in the life which social media portrays to be ‘idealistic’. Not only life but also how we are ‘supposed’ to look and what we are ‘supposed to wear. The sole culprit is not just Live and Let Live

Interpersonal Skills help me to be an Opportunity Magnet

We as humans comprise multiple skills. Among these skills, there are skills we acquire called hard skills, and others we develop through practice and collaboration with each other called interpersonal skills. I often refer to this as pink skill and blue skill, pink skills referred to interpersonal skills, and blue skills referred to hard skills. Interpersonal Skills help me to be an Opportunity Magnet

How I Got Bitten by the Positivity Bug

[dropcaps type=’square’ font_size=’80’ color=’#4a4a4a’ background_color=’#ffffff’ border_color=”]L[/dropcaps]ast month I turned 20 in 2020. It was  a bitter year majorly spent in lockdown staying at home, but it has taught me a lot of valuable lessons. In December 2020, I had my birthday. I was expecting it to be just a wish from family and friends without How I Got Bitten by the Positivity Bug

The Happy Meal

I can’t call myself a foodie but I enjoy eating good food. I am a big fan of the appetizers irrespective of their cuisine. A problem we faced in the lockdown while ordering food from outside was to place the order of appetizers and the main course together but while eating, I had to decide The Happy Meal

The Small Bites of Happiness

Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens Brown paper packages tied up with strings These are a few of my favorite things [dropcaps type=’square’ font_size=’80’ color=’#ff9184′ background_color=’#ffffff’ border_color=”]I[/dropcaps] loved singing this song in middle school. Our teacher, Mrs. D’Souza had created a magical world for us in her The Small Bites of Happiness

In Search of Happiness - Part 2

The Maharaja Thali Of Happiness

[dropcaps type=’square’ font_size=’80’ color=’#ff9184′ background_color=’#ffffff’ border_color=”]W[/dropcaps]hile growing up, my parents strongly believed in making me earn the luxuries they could provide. One of the earliest memories I have is them trying hard to get me into the school. I remember it all depended on my interview, and before I went in, they showered me with The Maharaja Thali Of Happiness

Taking Control of My Emotions: Journey So Far

[action full_width=’No’ content_in_grid=’yes’ type=’simple’ icon=” icon_size=” icon_color=” custom_icon=” background_color=’#ffffff’ border_color=’#4285F4′ show_button=’no’ button_text=” button_link=” button_target=” button_text_color=” button_hover_text_color=” button_background_color=” button_hover_background_color=” button_border_color=” button_hover_border_color=”]   “NEVER APOLOGIZE FOR SHOWING YOUR FEELINGS. WHEN YOU DO, YOU ARE APOLOGIZING FOR THE TRUTH.”                                       Taking Control of My Emotions: Journey So Far

Reading Between The Lines

Have you ever heard anyone say “read between the lines?” Have you ever tried practicing it yourself? When places started reopening after the lockdown, my father was still uncomfortable with me going out. I was super frustrated and had reached my saturation point. I finally went to my dad after he came back from work Reading Between The Lines

Unleashing the Curiosity Within Me

Tanay (my 5-year-old nephew): Why are you eating? Me: I am hungry Tanay: Why? Me: Because I need the energy to move around Tanay: Why do you want to move to? Me: To work  Tanay: Why……… Growing up, I was never scared of asking questions. I was an inquisitive kid who couldn’t ask enough ‘Why’s’. Unleashing the Curiosity Within Me

Observation: The Best Learning Technique

  [action full_width=’No’ content_in_grid=’yes’ type=’simple’ icon=” icon_size=” icon_color=” custom_icon=” background_color=’#ffffff’ border_color=’#4285F4′ show_button=’no’ button_text=” button_link=” button_target=” button_text_color=” button_hover_text_color=” button_background_color=” button_hover_background_color=” button_border_color=” button_hover_border_color=”] “The most dangerous person is the one who listens, thinks and observes” – Bruce Lee [/action] Cricket is a game that I started playing recently. I have no formal coaching in cricket but I Observation: The Best Learning Technique

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