
India's 1st Undergrad program integrating life skills with real business exposure


Path To Self Discovery

1st Phase  Have you ever told this phrase, “You have changed a lot, ya!” It’s common, right? We are either told this, or we say it to others. I have been told this phrase hundreds of times.  It is said that the environment in which you grow directly affects how the individual will form his Path To Self Discovery

Adding my own TADKA

That day in 2017   Uahaaa.. I yawn, I look at the watch and it’s 3:48 pm. 2 minutes more to go. I have no idea what happened in the last 45 mins. I have had 4 packets of Banti-Babli so far.  Tringggggggg! Finally, I stand up, pack my bag and wait outside the classroom Adding my own TADKA


  [dropcaps type=’square’ font_size=’80’ color=’#4a4a4a’ background_color=’#ffffff’ border_color=”]W[/dropcaps]e, humans, are a combination of so many emotions. One of these feelings of love, hate, fear, etc., which is GUILT, led me to destroy myself. BUT WHAT NEXT?   😐 [blockquote text=”The reason was simple: we were feeling like not doing it.” text_color=”” width=”” line_height=”undefined” background_color=”” border_color=”” show_quote_icon=”yes” STARTED…STOPPED…FEELING GUILTY…BUT WHAT NEXT?

Miles To Go Before I Sleep

Who Am I? How do people see me? How do I see myself? What is my personality?  My mind was filled with these questions. Don’t worry, I was not in the middle of an identity crisis, I assure you. I was working on my childhood dream to have a website. I wanted it to be Miles To Go Before I Sleep

एक बदलाव

जहां पर आपका इरादा सही होता है तब आपको जो अवसर मिलता है वो अनपेक्षित होता है । ऐसा ही कुछ मेरे साथ हुआ 2019 में. December 2019 में एक कॉल पे मैने आदित्य झुनझुनवाला से बात किया और उनसे बात करना और पुणे जाना ये सब अपने आप  हो गया या और इस्को मौका एक बदलाव

The Happy Meal

I can’t call myself a foodie but I enjoy eating good food. I am a big fan of the appetizers irrespective of their cuisine. A problem we faced in the lockdown while ordering food from outside was to place the order of appetizers and the main course together but while eating, I had to decide The Happy Meal

The Subconscious Power of Desire

I have a reputation for seeing my tasks through and working relentlessly until they are achieved. I recently gave some thought to what makes me go into ‘beast mode’ when I’m working on a project I care about. Here’s what I realized: not all projects are equal! There are some projects I have a desire The Subconscious Power of Desire

A panoramic view of the Pyramids of Giza

I Did It All By Myself – 36 days in a different continent

Where are you going? Actually, I am going to Cairo which is in Egypt.  What is the purpose of your travel? Ummm, I am going for an internship.  Is anyone traveling with you? I usually don’t travel solo, but today I am going alone.  But beta, if you can get an internship in India, why I Did It All By Myself – 36 days in a different continent

Create PERSONA for your product

Hi, I’m RahulIn this video I’m going to share about persona, which is most important process for any business to select their target audience and this process personally I did for my projects so in video I’m trying cover each and every aspects which I did .This video for those businessman or entrepreneur who want Create PERSONA for your product

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