
India's 1st Undergrad program integrating life skills with real business exposure


Finding My Way

Ever since I was in grade 9, I wanted to work with kids and was fascinated by how sports can have such a profound impact on us. I was a football player in school and was surprised by how it helped me become more confident. It was clear that I wanted to work in this Finding My Way

Path To Self Discovery

1st Phase  Have you ever told this phrase, “You have changed a lot, ya!” It’s common, right? We are either told this, or we say it to others. I have been told this phrase hundreds of times.  It is said that the environment in which you grow directly affects how the individual will form his Path To Self Discovery

Adding my own TADKA

That day in 2017   Uahaaa.. I yawn, I look at the watch and it’s 3:48 pm. 2 minutes more to go. I have no idea what happened in the last 45 mins. I have had 4 packets of Banti-Babli so far.  Tringggggggg! Finally, I stand up, pack my bag and wait outside the classroom Adding my own TADKA

Seeing The Change From Within

Have you ever had this feeling of your ears getting blocked due to pressure and you cant hear the other person and even worse you can’t hear yourself? I face this every time I have an intense workout, especially on a Leg Day. If you have ever faced this situation, I understand how it feels. Seeing The Change From Within

The power of small wins

[dropcaps type=’square’ font_size=’80’ color=’#4a4a4a’ background_color=’#ffffff’ border_color=”]I[/dropcaps] t’s easy for me to feel like I haven’t been doing as much as I should, and that I’m making very little, if any, progress towards my goals. This feeling probably comes from my inability to take a moment to stop and celebrate how far I’ve come. The moment I The power of small wins

How I Discovered Self Belief

Allow me to start by asking you a question, “ Have you ever wondered, am I making a difference by whatever I  do ?” Well trust me friend you are not alone. Though this has been bothering me for quite some time and it is always triggered by some  course of actions that have taken How I Discovered Self Belief

A Journey of a Lifetime

21st July, 2021 – the day where I was going to travel to the farmhouse and celebrate my close friend’s birthday. My excitement had reached its peak and even the rains in Mumbai couldn’t ruin my mood. The farmhouse was located in Neral (a place near Matheran). I was being accompanied by 4 ( 1 A Journey of a Lifetime

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