The lockdown 2.0 was over, it was finally time for some sports. Lockdown was filled with online video games and tasty delicious food over and over again on a repeat. My athletic part was on a complete break. As much as I hated 0 physical activities, I really enjoyed the pampering that I was receiving. However, turfs nearby finally came back to business and I was very excited to play again with my friends. The plan was finally in action and the long-awaited day arrived.
I reached the turf with such enthusiasm. The smell and feel of artificial grass on my sports shoes couldn’t get better. Finally feeling at home, I started my warmup. That was short lived considering I was playing after so many months. My happiness overlooked the unusual behavior of my body as we started the game.
My heart was pounding very fast and I could feel my body feeling heavy and exhausted as I ran for the football on the grass. My calves felt sore and I found myself in the middle of the football turf gasping for air in the first 15 minutes. It was the worst feeling ever, I realized how unfit the lockdown had changed me into and it was very disheartening. It was hard to accept and come to peace with my junked-up body but it was high time I started working on it. After a long emotional weekend of ups and downs (mostly downs) it was high time I accepted that my body was getting too pampered. I had to join the gym and start a healthy lifestyle.
I was on the way to the gym with my bag which contained my shoes and bottle of water. It was my first day to the gym with very high hopes. The gym authorities made my membership card and filled my health form. They also took the body measurements, I was again shook and devasted by the amount of fat I was gaining in the lockdown. I came to the gym room feeling motivated and hoping for a changed me. The trainer explained the weekly routine that we were going to follow: 3 days of cardio and 2 days of full body weights workout. The first week was very stressful as I had to get accustomed to the whole new schedule in my life. Cardio days were very tiring, I used to run out of breath almost instantly on the treadmill and I went slow on cycling. Full body weights got my muscles sore and I could hardly complete the 2 sets and full reps. A week passed by and I got very emotional looking at physique, I had a complete breakdown and I learnt that nobody else is going to work on this body apart from me. I am in this battle against my own self where I need to get out of my comfort zone and push myself to the very extreme.
I decided to drop all my junk food and focus rightly on the fitness. At the start if it was very difficult for me to cope up with this but healthy fruits and nuts kept my cravings miles away from me. Few weeks later and I found myself completely off junk and balancing my diet with proteins and vitamins. My body was in perfect sync mentally and physically, physically showing constant improvements and results, releasing dopamine and mentally making me happier and lighter. I could sense the little improvements each day.
The first month passed away and it was time to go one notch up by increasing the weight and stamina in each workout. I leveled up my 15 minutes treadmill, began running at the speed of 7. It was strenuous as I used to lower my speed every couple of minutes to regain my stamina before I start running again. Then came cycling where I increased the resistance level and time to burn more calories. Lastly, on the day of weights I increased the number of weights I was picking up and started with 2 sets of 20 reps. At the end of each workout, I used to get muscle soreness but it made me feel proud and self-accomplished. I struggled to complete my workouts at the starting weeks but gradually by the end of the second month, my body adapted to the workouts. My diet really boosted my body physique too. The best feeling after every workout was the muscle soreness, it gave me a sense of progress and motivation.
I am currently in the third month of my transformation challenge and I must say there is no better feeling other than getting muscle soreness or beating your own record on the treadmill. Each and every workout has taught me quite a lot of lessons:
- There is no gain without pain
- Patience is really the key to success
- Respect your body in order to earn respect back from it
- Trust in the process
All my workouts push me a little further towards my goal and I see daily results in the body. In the end I would like to push others who are reading my blog to stop procrastinating and start working out. Set a goal for yourself and pick a motivation source.
I was always worried about losing patience at my early days, what if I stop all the gym and go back to being unfit? It was always a setback. Though, I always had my motivation with me to make a comeback for these thoughts. My motivation source is the transformation picture which I will be uploading after I have successfully achieved my goal. Always remember: YOU HAVE NOT GAINED THE FAT IN ONE DAY; YOU WON’T LOSE IT IN A DAY EITHER! If there is one thing I regret in this process is the grief of not starting with gym earlier.
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