Have you ever felt happy that a trip that you went on with your family or friends has ended? On numerous occasions I have. I even enjoy it when my family goes to some wedding which I am not attending because then I get to be the ‘Home Alone’ boy. All these can become chapters of my autobiography when I write one, maybe I will name it as ‘Diary of an Introvert’.
Every introvert curses the person who said silence speaks louder than words. Being an introvert I often feel, I will remain an invisible shadow. Generally people around you judge you and take you seriously depending on what you say. This can lead to people ignoring your existence at times. A few days back, a colleague and I were waiting for the lift when a senior co-worker came and said “Hi” to only my colleague and ignored me. My existence was completely overlooked. A couple of days back I was at a family function, my aunt did the same thing. These are no occasional incidents but I experience them on a regular basis. I have gotten used to it, but sometimes it does make me angry.
The things that do and don’t give me pleasure are also very different, which people around me never understand. I never enjoy one day picnics with a lot of people. I don’t listen to music. I don’t enjoy partying that much. I have heard a few times calling me ‘different’ This gives rise to an urge to fit in and do things that I don’t naturally enjoy. At times living life becomes a task when the right people are not around.
I get angry when people don’t understand how introverts operate. No one expects a normal person to do a headspin or a frontflip, nor is it something that can be learnt in a short time. To learn to operate in a world made for extroverts is going to take time. But surely what they say is not false. I see people around me, not the hard workers but the ‘buzzy’ workers, people who are very good at constantly communicating and forming relationships, succeed. This makes me wonder how do I succeed and live a fulfilling life in a world made for extroverts
A ray of hope emerged when I was researching on this topic, I came across a lot of blogs and articles around this. The one that struck me was about Warren buffet. “I had to learn to communicate with people better.” he goes on, “particularly in groups. I just couldn’t go through life being terrified to speak in public.” Buffett saw that his quiet personality was hindering his dreams in this so he researched the problem and studied his way out of it. Motivated by this I have started studying the topic and the first book I am reading is Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking.
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