Daksh Kanoria is a doer and learner. He learns by doing, and goes above and beyond.
“I learn like crazy when I am a part of a project,” said Daksh. “For example when I was taking part in a technical event at my college I had to learn Photoshop, Premier Pro and Aftereffect. I also had to drastically improve and learn new Photography and Videography skills.”
Along with optimizing the tech oriented opportunities at his college, Daksh ventured beyond college and joined the Enterprise India Fellowship as he wanted to meet and learn from people from different backgrounds in an environment where his comfort zones will be challenged and pushed.
Before joining the Fellowship, Daksh had shared, “The main reason why I want to join is to find what I want to do – whether I want to be a hardcore coder or if I want to get into the management side of things. I want to get some clarity by doing a few projects where I can explore these two topics.”
Over the Fellowship, Daksh worked on more than six projects during the Fellowship including in-house projects like #karo & Chandrayaan0.0, and projects with clients like Bohriali & Polymorphix AI through which he continued his quest for learning by working on projects.
“I got to work on a lot of cool projects throughout the past 16 months. I can see myself in a much better position emotionally and professionally. I have always felt heard both in terms of asking for help, asking questions and the feedback that I have given. I made a lot of cool friends. I got to explore a wide variety of topics. I gained more confidence in the things that I do well. I gained a better understanding of my weaknesses and things that I didn’t consider my strengths,” highlighted Daksh as he reflected on his learning journey through the Fellowship.
The team members, coaches and clients Daksh worked with attest to his growth mindset and constant curiosity to keep learning through everything he does.
“Daksh demonstrated a fresh approach and an open mind to quickly learn key aspects of both our use cases and key parameters of the model that gave consistent results. He showed constant curiosity, an ability to ask probing questions and managed his deadlines well,” said Chandrashekhar Iyer, Founder of Polymorphix.AI. It is an Australian FinTech company that is re-imagining financial services and technology to enable entrepreneurs and businesses to do more, do well & share the benefits with people & community focused institutions around them. Daksh, along with another Enterprise Partner- Dnyanesh Chandewar, took up the opportunity to work with Polymorphix.AI in understanding how to use an existing AI to create tool summaries and classify research reports.
“If there is something he doesn’t know how to do, he will find out more and get familiar with whatever he needs to know about that topic,” mentioned Ishaan Kanoi, Sr Internal Auditor at Cummins, who was the Enterprise Coach supporting Daksh and the Enterprise Partner team working on Chandrayaan 0.0 – an initiative to encourage people to walk and exercise over the covid crisis induced lockdown.
Ishaan also shared, “he spends a lot of time reading, problem solving.” Due to the pandemic, the Fellowship moved online, and it was hard to sustain the community space beyond zoom meetings and sessions. Daksh sensed the problem, and took up a self-initiative of designing a community space for Enterprise on Discord, persuaded the Enterprise team with a convincing value proposition, and facilitated the transition to a new community platform for over 60+ people.
“Daksh thinks and cares deeply. He shows up once he commits.” shared Aditya Jhunjhunwala, Coach & Co-Founder of the Enterprise India Fellowship who worked closely with Daksh on the transition to Discord. Enterprise Fellowship Coordinator, Rohini Mistary, added, “He is very focused on the task at hand. He is able to achieve anything that he puts his mind to work on.”
Hometown: Pune, Maharashtra
Interests/Cares About: mental health awareness, supporting students with disabilities, digital privacy
Fellowship Span: Jan 2020- Apr 2021
Fellowship Activities Sneak Peak:
-Worked on 6+ projects including Enterprise projects like #karo & Chandrayaan0.0, and projects with clients like Polymorphix & Bohriali
-Took up the initiative to design a community space on Discord and led the process of moving and onboarding the Enterprise community of 60+ people onto Discord
-Created 3 blogs, and designed and hosted content sessions on “Demystifying Excel to Organize Data” and “Navigating Overthinking: Swimming through the sea of thoughts”
Plan after Graduation:– Working with his startup FreggieGo to deliver fresh vegetables and fruits and with Ashoka on building an AI based strategy bot parallel to his college. Post graduation he will be joining Deloitte as an Analyst.
Doing things beyond college via projects at the Fellowship was not enough. Daksh also started doing things beyond the Fellowship, responding to the consequences like the lockdown that the pandemic brought about.
In the midst of the lockdown when most citizens were encouraged to stay inside, Daksh and his parents co-founded Freggiego – a service that delivers fresh fruits and vegetables to the doorstep of the Pune-based residents who can order online. Daksh designed and manages the website and oversees the tech aspects of processes like procurement, packaging and distribution. Daksh also took on Enterprise and Bohriali (a startup taking Bohriali-Pune’s iconic physical marketplace online) as clients by building a data driven social media dashboard to analyze insights.
Along with his determination to keep learning by working on projects, Daksh was always a supportive team member who encouraged people to keep working towards their goals. Lubaina Cementwala, Projects Coordinator at Enterprise shared how Daksh was her accountability partner for marathon prep, and helped her keep on track with her daily running practice. She shared, “even on days where I forgot or didn’t respond, he kept pushing me and that’s exactly the qualities of a team player.”
Technology is a tool. And just like any other tool, in the hands of an artist with a vision, magic can be created. A lot of tech people end up spending all their time with their tool. Daksh had the vision to explore and deepen his thinking and abilities beyond tech – to community building, communication, business metrics, emotional intelligence – and because of that the tools that he holds in his hands become even more powerful – and more useful to the world.
Interviewer & Author: Akash Bhalerao
Video Editor: Hiral Narogi
Story Editors: Aditya Jhunjhunwala, Lubaina Cementwala, Yusuf Hakim, Ankita Parashar
Webpage Designer: Dnyanesh Chandewar
The team members, coaches and clients Daksh worked with attest to his growth mindset and constant curiosity to keep learning through everything he does.
“Daksh demonstrated a fresh approach and an open mind to quickly learn key aspects of both our use cases and key parameters of the model that gave consistent results. He showed constant curiosity, an ability to ask probing questions and managed his deadlines well,” said Chandrashekhar Iyer, Founder of Polymorphix.AI. It is an Australian FinTech company that is re-imagining financial services and technology to enable entrepreneurs and businesses to do more, do well & share the benefits with people & community focused institutions around them. Daksh, along with another Enterprise Partner- Dnyanesh Chandewar, took up the opportunity to work with Polymorphix.AI in understanding how to use an existing AI to create tool summaries and classify research reports.
“If there is something he doesn’t know how to do, he will find out more and get familiar with whatever he needs to know about that topic,” mentioned Ishaan Kanoi, Sr Internal Auditor at Cummins, who was the Enterprise Coach supporting Daksh and the Enterprise Partner team working on Chandrayaan 0.0 – an initiative to encourage people to walk and exercise over the covid crisis induced lockdown.
Ishaan also shared, “he spends a lot of time reading, problem solving.” Due to the pandemic, the Fellowship moved online, and it was hard to sustain the community space beyond zoom meetings and sessions. Daksh sensed the problem, and took up a self-initiative of designing a community space for Enterprise on Discord, persuaded the Enterprise team with a convincing value proposition, and facilitated the transition to a new community platform for over 60+ people.
“Daksh thinks and cares deeply. He shows up once he commits.” shared Aditya Jhunjhunwala, Coach & Co-Founder of the Enterprise India Fellowship who worked closely with Daksh on the transition to Discord. Enterprise Fellowship Coordinator, Rohini Mistary, added, “He is very focused on the task at hand. He is able to achieve anything that he puts his mind to work on.”
Hometown: Pune, Maharashtra
Interests/Cares About: mental health awareness, supporting students with disabilities, digital privacy
Fellowship Span: Jan 2020- Apr 2021
Fellowship Activities Sneak Peak:
-Worked on 6+ projects including Enterprise projects like #karo & Chandrayaan0.0, and projects with clients like Polymorphix & Bohriali
-Took up the initiative to design a community space on Discord and led the process of moving and onboarding the Enterprise community of 60+ people onto Discord
-Created 3 blogs, and designed and hosted content sessions on “Demystifying Excel to Organize Data” and “Navigating Overthinking: Swimming through the sea of thoughts”
Plan after Graduation:– Working with his startup FreggieGo to deliver fresh vegetables and fruits and with Ashoka on building an AI based strategy bot