When I reflect on my behavior, nowadays I get irritated over small things and become unhappy around people who don’t appreciate me. I tend to overthink a lot and remain confused throughout the day. This behavior has led to low self-confidence and suppressed anger within me. As usual, if things are not in my favor, I tend to become angry or irritated. I frequently express my anger without considering the consequences.
When I am at the office, if the team doesn’t do the work as I have requested or as I expected, I become frustrated and criticize them. During discussions with my father, I often get into arguments, and if he doesn’t accept my point of view, I react angrily and inappropriately. I frequently regret my outbursts but cannot take back my words.
Although I can tease my friends, I tend to get angry and have a negative reaction when someone teases me. I often recognize that I am in an angry state but struggle to control my emotions, and as a result, my anger affects those around me.
However, there have been instances where I didn’t become irritated. While working on a project at Enterprise, I was not able to fulfill my commitments, and my mentor expressed his frustration. But I didn’t feel angry or irritated, as I Trusted him and accepted his criticism.
There are times when I have discussed my viewpoints with my father, and through clear Communication, he has understood and supported my thoughts.
I remember when I received my 10th-grade results, I scored 72%, which was more than acceptable to my parents, but my relatives and friends compared me to my cousins who scored around 90%. Although I received criticism, I was not affected by it, as I knew the effort I had put in to achieve my goal and was Content with my result.
Now that I have reflected on my behavior, I realize that I can be both calm and angry. My reactions to situations play a significant role in my emotional responses, and for the next few weeks, I intend to observe my behavior and react more appropriately by trusting people, communicating my thoughts clearly, and accepting others’ viewpoints.
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