Entrepreneurship is so much more than just a profession, it’s an approach to life. It’s a mindset that allows you to solve problems innovatively. We are in the midst of the 4th Industrial Revolution. To put it simply, this means that we need to re-think which skills are more valuable in the job market. In the past, there was a huge emphasis on hard, quantitative skills. However, the advancement of technology has brought with it a greater need for soft, qualitative skills. The entrepreneurial mindset will be one of the most valuable skills of the 21st century. How to create a mindset conducive to innovation? There is no time to start like while you are still a student! Student entrepreneurs are taking the world by storm and creating elegant solutions to complex problems. Here are our top 5 tips on becoming a student entrepreneur.
Build a Body of Work
Employers increasingly want to know what you can DO. Exam scores and academic excellence serves as a secondary supplement to internships and projects. It’s important to expose yourself to different work environments and people, especially as a college student. Taking on a variety of different projects will help you expand your comfort zone and build your soft skills. An added benefit is a digital footprint to help build your brand.
Be fearless
College is a low stakes environment to take risks! It’s your safe space to learn by DOing and not be afraid of failure. It’s your test drive to adulthood so be sure to use your time and opportunities wisely. Take smart risks and do not let fear drive your decisions. Find something you are passionate about and start incubating your ideas into real-life projects, businesses or products. If something fails, get back up and start again because you literally have nothing to lose as a student entrepreneur—the world is yours for the taking if only you shed your fear and convert some of those ideas into ACTION
Find the right people
College will expose you to all kinds of people. Learn to identify which people are good for you; be choosy about the company you keep. Surround yourself with the people you want to learn from and make connections with the people you want to emulate. In the age of social media, connecting with a famous role model is no longer a faraway dream. Building the right network and choosing your friends wisely can have a huge impact on your personality and career development. A positive peer group that constantly challenges and motivates you can shape your future.
Learn to learn
I am not referring to formal textbook learning but rather the learning that comes from self-initiative. As a college student, you should be soaking up knowledge like a sponge. These are your crucial years to build a killer skill set. Peer learning is a powerful tool to expand your horizons and explore different interests. Ask your creative friends to teach you how to play an instrument, ask your analytical friends to teach you how to code and ask your extroverted friends to advise you on how to get rid of your stage fright. College is your time to be relentlessly HUNGRY and curious in your pursuit of knowledge.
Don’t waste time waiting for the right time. You can read about becoming a student entrepreneur but there’s only so far that consuming content can get you. Make stuff happen.
- #catapult fest
- #enterprise 1.0
- #karo
- Accountancy
- Aerodynamics Activity
- Agile Methodology
- agile project management
- AI in education
- Alternative Education
- apple
- architect
- Automation in Marketing
- Basement Projects
- BBA Degree
- BBA program
- bill gates
- Business
- Business Education
- Business Frameworks
- Business Model Canvas
- business-minded
- Career
- Career Planning
- Chaos Theory in Education
- client outreach
- co-working
- College Life
- Communication Skills
- Competency-Based Education
- competition
- coworking space
- Crackerjack games
- Creativity in Education
- Curious Inquiry
- curriculum design
- Customer Experience
- Customer Journey Mapping
- Data Collection
- Deconditioning Thinking
- design
- Design Thinking
- Digital Marketing Funnel
- Digital Outreach
- Ecological Sustainability
- Economics
- education change
- Education Innovation
- Education Reform
- Educational Change
- Educational Innovation
- Educational Policy
- Educational Reform
- Educational Research
- educational transformation
- Emotional Quotient
- Emotional Resilience
- Engineering
- enterprise
- enterprisefellow
- entrepreneur
- entrepreneurial education
- Entrepreneurial Mindset
- Entrepreneurship
- Ethical Business
- Exams
- Experiential Learning
- experiential learning projects
- fellowship
- fresh energy
- gates
- goals
- Grades
- gratitude activities
- Guided Reflection
- Hands-on Education
- Hands-on Learning
- happiness
- happy
- Higher Education
- higher education in India
- History Literature Fest
- Homeschooling
- human skills
- ideation and execution.
- india
- industry collaboration
- Industry Mentors
- industry project
- Industry-Relevant Education
- Industry-Relevant Skills
- Influencers
- innovative education
- Innovative Learning
- interiors
- IStartedYoung
- Jamboree event
- jobs
- leadership development
- leadership strategies
- Learning Challenges
- Learning Spaces
- lets enterprise
- LinkedIn profiles
- malcolm gladwell
- management apprenticeships
- management concepts
- Mental Fitness
- Mentored Apprenticeships
- Mentorship
- microsoft
- Money as Means
- mood boarding
- Multidisciplinary Development
- Multidisciplinary Education
- Multidisciplinary Entrepreneurship
- Networking
- networking skills
- non-formal education
- opportunities
- opportunity
- outliers
- personal branding
- Pitching Skills
- Porter’s 5 Forces
- potential
- Practical Education
- Problem Solving
- Productivity
- professional development
- project debrief
- project management
- Project-Based Learning
- Prototyping
- pune
- Pune University
- Quality of Life
- Real-life Case Studies
- Real-Life Projects
- real-world experience
- real-world skills
- realization
- reflective learning
- REGEN networking
- Relationships
- Research Methodology
- retail experience design
- Rock Your CV
- rural immersion
- S.W.O.T Analysis
- Self Belief
- Self-Awareness
- Self-Care
- Self-Compassion
- self-designed learning
- self-learning
- Service Design
- silicon valley
- skill enhancement
- Smart Campus
- Social Media Content Creation
- Social Security
- Socially Meaningful Projects
- space
- Spiritual Experience
- Stahl cookware
- Stephanie Cox
- steve jobs
- Story telling
- Storysells
- Structured Outreach
- Student Clubs
- Student Engagement
- student innovation.
- student projects
- Student Reflections
- student success.
- Student-Partner Projects
- students
- Study
- success
- successful
- Teaching Innovation
- team bonding
- teamwork
- TEDx Speaker
- Teen Education
- Teenagers
- terminal
- transformative learning
- Trek to Visapur Fort
- UG-M.E.D. Program
- Undergrad Degree Program
- undergraduate business education
- Unschooling
- Urmila Samson
- US Green Card
- Vendor Research
- Work
- Work-Life Balance
- working degree
- youth
- Youth Empowerment