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My Defining Moments – A Graduate’s Ode to College

I think the most beautiful creature on Earth is a butterfly. When we see them, it instantly fills us up with happiness and hope. You cannot be sad around a butterfly. If you have ever seen the entire cocoon process, you will know how much pain and discomfort is involved.  The beauty of the butterfly My Defining Moments – A Graduate’s Ode to College

I don’t even have a pla-

Seeing people move on, and do great things has been very pressurizing for me. I am one year away from graduating. I am constantly bombarded with questions and thoughts of what’s next? Seeing people move on, and do great things has been very pressurizing for me. I’m in this weird limbo where I find myself I don’t even have a pla-

Guilt – Good or Bad?

Ever studied for an exam at the end moment? Of course, we procrastinate until the last moment. But why do we even bother studying at the end moment? Guilt. That is what drives me to finally start studying.  Every time before an exam, in my mind, I plan out my action plan.  I’ll start studying Guilt – Good or Bad?

My First Capsule Project!

It was the normal exciting and fun Thursday capsule and project update session at Enterprise. All the partners were going to get new capsules to work on for the next coming weeks. The capsules were introduced and my eyes glanced upon the slide which read out 30treesin30days program. This was going to be a fundraising My First Capsule Project!

Can’t you do this much for me?

“Beta, uncle ko thank you bolo!” As a child, all of us are taught to appreciate our relatives, community helpers when they do something for us.   But how often are we taught to appreciate our parents or even our siblings?  How often do we express gratitude without any good deed done? How often do Can’t you do this much for me?

All I Ever Wanted Is To Flow!

[action full_width=’No’ content_in_grid=’yes’ type=’simple’ icon=” icon_size=” icon_color=” custom_icon=” background_color=’#ffffff’ border_color=’#4285F4′ show_button=’no’ button_text=” button_link=” button_target=” button_text_color=” button_hover_text_color=” button_background_color=” button_hover_background_color=” button_border_color=” button_hover_border_color=”] All I ever wanted is to flow. Flow with my thoughts, flow with my emotions, flow with my work. I wanted to enjoy doing stuff, live and process emotions rather than spending time in planning, All I Ever Wanted Is To Flow!

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