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5 Mental Shifts for Millennials in Personal Finance
[dropcaps type=’square’ font_size=’80’ color=’#4a4a4a’ background_color=’#ffffff’ border_color=”]O[/dropcaps]ne Sunday evening I was having a general conversation with my dad and uncle on “Who taught you money management techniques”. The three of us had a wonderful conversation about this topic and I realized that the more your money works for you, the less you have to work for … 5 Mental Shifts for Millennials in Personal Finance

Maintaining an Account Changed my Outlook Towards Money
On my 18th birthday, I had two goals. One, take delivery of my two-wheeler and two open my bank account. By the end of the day, I accomplished both tasks and celebrated my birthday. Unknowingly I had begun my journey into personal finance and tracking my expenses. I started getting pocket money in the beginning … Maintaining an Account Changed my Outlook Towards Money

Documentation Catalyzing Ideas into Execution
A Social Experiment Can you look at the image on the left and try to memorize as many objects as you can at one glance? Could you do the same for the right picture now? Can you understand the difference between the two? As you can see that it’s much easier to grasp the … Documentation Catalyzing Ideas into Execution

The Art of Conversation with your Competition on Phone Call
Hi! I’m Rahul and I’ve made a video detailing the process one should take while doing competition research on the phone! This video is for those who want to start up or even scale up their own family business. This will immensely help you increase the understanding of your industry. This will help you increase … The Art of Conversation with your Competition on Phone Call

It has been 10 months now since I joined the Coffee Industry and these months have been nothing less than amazing for me. Not just in terms of Coffee, Food and Beverage, but these have taught me many more things than just about my job. For me, learning is not only what is taught to … 6 THINGS TO KEEP IN MIND WHILE STARTING YOUR CAREER

Surrounding Myself with People who Understood my Disability Changed my Life.
I was eight years old when I was diagnosed with dyslexia and Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD). Dyslexia and ADD have affected every aspect of life. Dyslexia changes the physical structure of my brain. This made learning languages and processing information challenging. During the early years of my life reading, writing and spelling was difficult. I … Surrounding Myself with People who Understood my Disability Changed my Life.