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Will I be happy in my career?
[dropcaps type=’square’ font_size=’80’ color=’#4a4a4a’ background_color=’#ffffff’ border_color=”]I[/dropcaps]am not happy There have been several periods in my life when I felt I was not happy. Recently, I sat down and made a list. And then I attempted to run a multivariate analysis to determine what were the causes of my unhappiness. Haha, there’s the business school graduate … Will I be happy in my career?

Carpe diem, my friends
[dropcaps type=’square’ font_size=’80’ color=’#4a4a4a’ background_color=’#ffffff’ border_color=”]N[/dropcaps]o one, who is successful, is self-made. Are you confused by this opening statement? Did I hear you scoff a little? Well, hold your breath and read on to know the secret to success. This general notion that character, intelligence and hard work breed success is misleading, to say the … Carpe diem, my friends

20 years after my 4 years at engineering college, I’m solving the problem that hurt me the most
[dropcaps type=’square’ font_size=’80’ color=’#4a4a4a’ background_color=’#ffffff’ border_color=”]T[/dropcaps]hey say, the best start-up founders “solve the problems that hurt them the most”. So, I’m finally doing it. I’m making an attempt to solve a problem that hurt me the most – the way the higher education system works in India. Allow me to explain. I did a degree … 20 years after my 4 years at engineering college, I’m solving the problem that hurt me the most

How engineering students across the country & especially in Pune are taking their careers into their own hands
[dropcaps type=’square’ font_size=’80’ color=’#4a4a4a’ background_color=’#ffffff’ border_color=”]B[/dropcaps]AJA SAE India is a name synonymous with undying passion, hard-work, sleepless nights, mud, muck and grease. If you haven’t heard about it, it is the annual engineering design competition that challenges engineering students from across India to design, build, manufacture and race their very own All Terrain Vehicle. To … How engineering students across the country & especially in Pune are taking their careers into their own hands

Attitude, the key to future readiness
Attitude is what you think, how you feel, and what you do. In today’s world, information is freely available, work can be automated or outsourced, skills can be learnt, and analysis can be computed. But we still don’t have the technology to replace attitude. Luckily, attitudes can be learnt. But it’s a slow process. They … Attitude, the key to future readiness

Want results? Be a B.O.S.S.S.
Results create freedom. I performed well all through my school and college life. My parents never asked me about my schedule or my whereabouts. They never applied any constraints. I was a performer. I performed well in my work in my first job after business school. Hence I was given the freedom to come and … Want results? Be a B.O.S.S.S.