Happiness is a lot more than a word. Happiness comes in a lot of ways. Happiness is already inside us. Find ways to bring it out.
I’m sharing some past December memories where I found happiness.

Getting up while the sun is about to rise and sipping your tea in an open cold environment is something I remember from the very first day of December. It is a good healthy feeling that I get every time I do something good for my body and felt it in a way that the memory always tells me haaaa this made me feel so relaxed. It is significant in my memory because, in the daily hustle and bustle, we don’t get to enjoy small moments and appreciate and acknowledge the happiness we get from them. The very little moments.

For the past 1 year, I have stopped buying material things that earlier brought happiness to me now I find happiness by giving things that I like. Buying for myself would only make me happy until the item is new and I’m used to it. But the memory of gifting someone makes me happier & hope the other person feels happy every time they wear it. My mother always says to first give happiness to other people around you if you consider that first, you will find happiness itself.

I studied in a catholic School where we celebrated Christmas every year at school. later, after school, we used to make a Christmas tree for my tuition teacher – Katy miss. So Christmas has always been something which I do love celebrating.
I’d received an invitee from Katy miss for this year’s Christmas eve. Thinking about the past time as a student I was the worst to my teacher as I was weak in studying and the teacher also kept the scholar students closer to her as they studied well. But fast forward to today, I’ve become a support to my teacher. By helping her in her real life. I helped her move into a new house and took her for lunch outings, a trip to the jungle farm. I always tell my teacher that at first I didn’t understand and didn’t give much importance to studies but now I’ve realised how all those things have shaped me into who I am & in becoming. Whatever English I’m able to speak today is all because of her. Doing it for my teacher makes me feel happy that earlier I wasn’t able to bond with my teacher as I wasn’t good at studies but today I’ve made that place in the teacher’s heart.

Watching Lionel Messi and his team Argentina win the FIFA world cup was a dream come true. It was a big celebration filled with excitement, joy and pride for all soccer fans around the world. He has been my idol and him winning a world cup is something that I had wished for long back in my school days. It’s a true joy for me to watch my idol win and achieve his biggest goals.

Last weekend I was at the statue of unity. The biggest statue in the world. I was amazed at how massive it was and enjoyed the place as it was very scenic with mountains, rivers, and flower valleys. We had paid for the top view and multiple other things. But you know what’s the best view that I’ve captured in my memory was while we were heading back from the statue to in a rickshaw. One of my fellow member’s cap flew away from his head and as we couldn’t stop instantly we went and stopped a little ahead of the place. I was in the last seat so I just told them that I’ll get the cap. I got down and went running towards the cap. It was now that I realised while I kept running even after a whole day of doing many activities this was the best part and I had never experienced such before. Running on a beautiful road in a scenic place river on the side and mountains with colourful trees taking the breeze to the deepest of my lungs, absorbing all the different colours I could see I found true joy.
I have realised that moments pass by with happiness in them if you don’t consider or acknowledge them in that particular moment. It might get lost sometime.
It is important to know that what works for me doesn’t necessarily be the same for you. so it’s important to experiment and find what works best for you.
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