Me, just an ordinary girl
Hi! Welcome to my blog.
Here is something interesting you need to know about me before you read the blog. I am a 20-year-old enthusiastic girl, and I don’t shy easily. Also, growing up, I loved receiving compliments. But for some reason along the way, I developed a perception that accepting compliments make you arrogant. I wanted to avoid that title at all costs, so I stopped accepting compliments. Whenever someone said something nice, I used to look away, smile awkwardly, or ignore it happened altogether.
With this, I also started to question people’s genuine(ty) while receiving compliments. I started to think, is it true?
Thoughts like –
They are just being nice
They are lying
They wanted to start a conversation
Will this flattery get them somewhere?
Probably not. I knew I had my strengths, but I am not unique. Little did I know, that I have a long way to go before I have any answers.

My friend, Lubaina (a gem of a person) motivated me to look at my uniqueness. My strengths, which come from my parents. I was so not ready for self-inspection. My body physically resisted when I was doing this activity. I yawned, felt thirsty, felt cramps in my leg, basically anything to interrupt my thoughts.
[blockquote text=”“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frighten us. “ ” text_color=”” width=”” line_height=”undefined” background_color=”” border_color=”” show_quote_icon=”yes” quote_icon_color=”#4285F4″]
It took a lot of time and courage for me to see my strengths. Now, I have done it and I am proud of myself! I am happy to share it with you while expressing my gratitude to people whom I got them from, 3 strengths of mine which are super unique

First. My energy. I was way too energetic for 7 am. I am way too energetic for 7 pm. I have always been told that I have way too much energy and I need to tone it down a little. Granted, my energy can be a little overwhelming, but it opened so many doors for me. Ironically, until this blog, I didn’t think of my energy as my superpower. My energy has helped me attract more people and opportunities than I could have imagined. I am really proud to say I got it for my Nani! I see a lot of me in her and I love it!

Second. My ability to build on relationships. I am one of those overly emotional people who get attached and don’t want to let go of people. I have had some really important people in my life who I have known for over 10 years now, and I am grateful for that every day. I wouldn’t shy away from making new friends, but can’t really let go of people who have played an integral part in making me who I am. I think I get this from my Mumma. Since I was a kid, I saw her going out of her way to help her friend who she hasn’t spoken to for 10 years. This strength has helped her and me, to create relationships that last a lifetime.

Third. My itch to travel. I really don’t know, but not too long ago I started to get an itch to familiarise myself with different cultures and meet new people. I thought about how it’s one of my phases. However, after a few years, I can confidently say it’s not a phase. It is something, I genuinely enjoy! I don’t want to just travel, see the main attractions and come back. I want to live locally and explore the culture in depth. This motivation to explore and experience has sensitized me to so many people coming from different backgrounds and given me a glimpse of how life is outside my comfort zone in Pune. I really couldn’t thank Papa enough for this! He is someone who would yes to visiting a new place at the drop of a hat.
In hindsight, my weaknesses didn’t stop me from anything. It was I who couldn’t see how uniquely we all are made. These strengths are something I am gifted with, didn’t have to chase. Now that I am able to identify these strengths, I can hone them and help myself develop them further.
We often ask ourselves, who are we and what have we achieved to call ourselves talented. But in reality, who are we not to be? We don’t have to underplay ourselves. We should have the courage to look inside, acknowledge ourselves, and let it shine. We all have strengths, not just some of us. And as we let our own light shine, we inspire people to do the same for themselves. We are free of fear and encourage others to do the same.
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