There are many things that I, as a person, have worried about over the last few months. Many things have changed during this time, and these changes have been mainly positive. These things I worried about were mostly struggles I found within myself, and I wanted to tackle them to understand myself better.
I have become more confident in the attitude I am forming and the person I am becoming. It feels refreshing to be sure about myself and what my opinions are. There are some things that I have found other than my mental and emotional health that I want to focus on.
To give a bit of a background, fortunately, I am at a healthy place in life right now, and I feel great where I am. My job is what I wanted, my family is doing well, and my friends are as fun as ever. So selfishly, I ask, what is next for me? What is my purpose in the future? What are the things that are important to me?
I now feel more confident to face these questions, find answers, and plan stuff out for them. I don’t feel any pressure to do so. Instead, I look forward to it! Of course, some insecurities occasionally pop up regarding these questions, but I feel good enough to accept and work on them.
Accordingly, let’s move on to what things I look forward to! In a very grateful sequence of events, my first job became my dream. But now I am trying to find a way to sustainably continue my lifestyle while still being able to work on things I care about. “Why not just let stay things as they are?” This is a question that doesn’t make sense to me. I want to explore more now that I see my capabilities and have financial independence goals. I want to do all this while still maintaining my current lifestyle and enjoying what I do daily.
I wondered what was wrong with just continuing what I was already doing, and the thing is that in my field of software engineering, the tools being used are constantly changing and being replaced by something else. That honestly scares me. There is a need to change with time, and I am frantically looking around for solutions to do so without affecting my financial or livelihood goals.
But you know what? I am looking forward to these challenges for once. It is very frightening, for sure, but I am excited to face it! My first step was to look at the whole picture to understand what things matter to me and what I feel will matter to me in the future. To put it in one sentence, it all comes down to combining my passion and work to work toward my purpose and financial goals. This statement sounds generic, but it is where I am now. But I need to find a way to sustain my work while still growing and improving. In a very rare case, I have the power to alter my life in very clear ways, there are hardly any limitations other than the ones I have set for myself.
Limitations set by myself? What are those? Well, for one, it is my financial situation which I do not want to sacrifice while seeking growth. I am very honestly scared to say this because many people have advised me that my 20s is not something where I should be worried about money. But I feel this very strongly, and unless someone really can convince me otherwise, I am going down this path, even if it may or may not be the best option. So that’s one finance, second is the part where I want to keep working with technology and coding, which is something I can luckily get paid for as well. Looking to the future, I want to use my ability and skills in tech towards a greater purpose than just creating an app for someone. I want to work in high-impact roles where my work impacts the business, society, habits, etc.
I am very clear about where I want to go. My goal is to reach financial independence for at least basic needs while still not just giving up my life for money. I want to work on things that matter to me and work with things that are my passion. Next, the question is how. It will take time, and more challenges will keep coming, and I say bring them on. To go deep into how I will do this, I have some things in mind that I have already started working on. Over the past few weeks, I have been connecting with people from my industry to understand the trends, I have delved deep into what matters and am currently trying just solidify what I think so that I can work towards it with much greater focus. I would say one of my best skills is to get shit done. Yes, there were times when I couldn’t get stuff done, but I feel I can most of the time.
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