
India's 1st Undergrad program integrating life skills with real business exposure


A Regular Human in The Space

How does it feel to be abducted by aliens to their strange and peculiar planet called ‘The Space’ where you are held captive. That too not by force but by your own will? It happened to this human who lived a simple life and to his utter amazement, he didn’t want to leave! Now the A Regular Human in The Space

5 reasons why I did not join my father in the family business

I was 22, when my father asked me if I wanted to join his business. He had an opportunity to expand his operations, and he said he would do so if I was interested to join up. We are a Marwari business family and my father had started from scratch. He had worked hard, taken 5 reasons why I did not join my father in the family business

Stop Spoon Feeding

Stop spoon feeding!

[dropcaps type=’square’ font_size=’80’ color=’#4a4a4a’ background_color=’#ffffff’ border_color=”]W[/dropcaps]hy do we resist learning? Why do some people learn faster than others? A large part of the answer lies in the learning environment they have access to. Human beings are not wired to learn for the sake of learning. Human beings are wired to solve. That is why they Stop spoon feeding!

Enterprise Space Pune

A funky office space for college students to create and collaborate in

[dropcaps type=’square’ font_size=’80’ color=’#4a4a4a’ background_color=’#ffffff’ border_color=”]T[/dropcaps]hose who have studied literature or, for that matter, those who like to read, must have heard of an essay by Virginia Woolf, titled as “A room of one’s own”. This room that she spoke about was a literal and figurative space for women like her; a space that they A funky office space for college students to create and collaborate in

Enterprise India's First Undergrad Fellowship

‘Enterprise’ – India’s first fellowship for undergrad students

Many people have been asking us, “What is the Enterprise Fellowship?” A simple answer to that is that it’s a year-long, project-based, learning experience for undergrad students in Pune. It is for those who dream of being ‘self-made’ and want to expose themselves to the future of business using technology, design and collaboration. Our team ‘Enterprise’ – India’s first fellowship for undergrad students

Move beyond the competition- benefits of a fellowship

Whether you dream of your own business, or of climbing the corporate ladder, or of creating social change, you need to get off your butt and do something about it. If you are a student and you want to work on a project along with a dynamic team of youngsters and experienced professionals, then do Move beyond the competition- benefits of a fellowship

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