
The only Undergrad B-school in India that gets you in action for the real world


The image showcases 2 sides of a brain emphasising on how each side had a different approach to the same situation

Which part of your brain are you listening to?

My parents are very religious. When I was in school, my friends would discuss where their parents took them over the weekend every Monday morning. Sunday evening movies, new restaurants, a hill station stop, and more. It felt a little weird for me to chip in on the conversation because my mom had an unsaid Which part of your brain are you listening to?

5 reasons why I did not join my father in the family business

I was 22, when my father asked me if I wanted to join his business. He had an opportunity to expand his operations, and he said he would do so if I was interested to join up. We are a Marwari business family and my father had started from scratch. He had worked hard, taken 5 reasons why I did not join my father in the family business

Stop Spoon Feeding

Stop spoon feeding!

[dropcaps type=’square’ font_size=’80’ color=’#4a4a4a’ background_color=’#ffffff’ border_color=”]W[/dropcaps]hy do we resist learning? Why do some people learn faster than others? A large part of the answer lies in the learning environment they have access to. Human beings are not wired to learn for the sake of learning. Human beings are wired to solve. That is why they Stop spoon feeding!

Enterprise Space Pune

A funky office space for college students to create and collaborate in

[dropcaps type=’square’ font_size=’80’ color=’#4a4a4a’ background_color=’#ffffff’ border_color=”]T[/dropcaps]hose who have studied literature or, for that matter, those who like to read, must have heard of an essay by Virginia Woolf, titled as “A room of one’s own”. This room that she spoke about was a literal and figurative space for women like her; a space that they A funky office space for college students to create and collaborate in

art of being a business minded engineer or a tech minded businessman

The subtle art of being a business-minded engineer or a tech-minded businessman

[dropcaps type=’square’ font_size=’80’ color=’#4a4a4a’ background_color=’#ffffff’ border_color=”]E[/dropcaps]very student has different aspirations and ambitions while growing up. I remember I wanted to be an astronaut when I was young. As the years passed, I wanted to be a sports commentator. I simply loved watching sport and what was the best way to enjoy the sport? Talk about The subtle art of being a business-minded engineer or a tech-minded businessman

Enterprise India's First Undergrad Fellowship

‘Enterprise’ – India’s first fellowship for undergrad students

Many people have been asking us, “What is the Enterprise Fellowship?” A simple answer to that is that it’s a year-long, project-based, learning experience for undergrad students in Pune. It is for those who dream of being ‘self-made’ and want to expose themselves to the future of business using technology, design and collaboration. Our team ‘Enterprise’ – India’s first fellowship for undergrad students

Carpe diem, my friends

[dropcaps type=’square’ font_size=’80’ color=’#4a4a4a’ background_color=’#ffffff’ border_color=”]N[/dropcaps]o one, who is successful, is self-made. Are you confused by this opening statement? Did I hear you scoff a little? Well, hold your breath and read on to know the secret to success. This general notion that character, intelligence and hard work breed success is misleading, to say the Carpe diem, my friends

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