If I were given a 9-5 job that required me to go to the same place every day and come home to the same workload day after day, I would feel like I’m losing my senses. I’m the type of person who finds comfort in exploring new experiences. For instance, if you took me on a trek and asked me to climb to the top of a hill, I would gladly do it. But I wouldn’t stop there; I’d seek out new and adventurous ways to descend, rather than following the same trail again. New experiences, information, skills, and challenges have always been a source of thrill and excitement for me. I tend to bring an overwhelming level of enthusiasm (sometimes more than necessary) to the table when faced with something new.
Let me explain why I’m so drawn to new things. There are several reasons, but three major ones stand out. First, when you undertake something new, you don’t know in advance whether you’ll excel at it or struggle. The sense of an unknown outcome when starting something fresh gives me a rush of dopamine.
Second, building on the previous point, trying something new reveals not only the outcome but also your own capabilities and self. Allow me to share an example from a recent experience at college. We had an “Excel week” at enterprise, where we were presented with a series of levels and challenges that had to be tackled using Excel. It turned out to be a fascinating way to learn Excel, enhance our computer and math skills, and test our abilities. I never realized the importance of Excel in life, and using it was not a piece of cake. We all embraced the challenge, and I swiftly completed the basic challenges. Then came the “mad challenge.” I was thrilled to hear that those who could solve it were considered among the top 5% of Excel users in the world. That night, I went home, locked myself in my room for four hours, scribbled calculations in my notebook, watched countless YouTube tutorials, and racked my brain to solve the challenge. After those four hours, I had cracked it. I was incredibly happy and satisfied. I had completed something that many people weren’t able to do. The feeling of accomplishment was extraordinary. While undertaking the challenge, my dopamine levels were so high as I approached the end. What thrilled me the most was when the code for the challenge was working, and it automated its results.

What did this accomplishment give me? It made me realize that I’m proficient in using Excel, skilled at finding solutions to problems online, adept at breaking down complex issues into manageable parts, and proficient with Microsoft software. These were skills and traits I might not have uncovered through a mere chatGPT code or by handing the task to someone already well-versed in Excel. This is the magic of embracing new challenges.
Another reason why embarking on new endeavors energizes me is that it doesn’t always provide a sense of comfort. Each time I try something new, I have to step out of my comfort zone. This discomfort pushes me to exert more effort and go against my own inclinations to accomplish the task.
Let me recount a childhood experience. I was never particularly interested in art, and I wasn’t skilled at it either. In fact, I usually had someone else complete my art class homework. However, in the seventh grade, I made an effort to break out of my comfort zone and create a drawing. To my surprise, I discovered that I had a remarkable ability to accurately replicate a reference on paper. In the eighth grade, I pushed even further and attempted my first acrylic painting, albeit reluctantly. To my amazement, it turned out exceptionally well for someone who had never worked with paints before. I continued to work on my artistic skills, and now I can create impressive paintings and experiment with various materials, fostering my creativity.


Venturing outside my comfort zone and trying new skills allowed me to develop a new set of abilities in my life. Because I didn’t cease my efforts and continued to nurture this skill, I reached an impressive level of proficiency.
I’d like to leverage this ability of breaking comfort zones to continue pushing my personal boundaries and achieving new heights. In the future, I want to maintain this willingness to take on challenges that test my limits, both in my professional and personal life. This means seeking out opportunities for growth and learning, even when they may seem daunting at first. It’s in these moments of discomfort that we often find our greatest potential for growth and development. So, I aim to remain open to new challenges, embrace them with enthusiasm, and persistently work on expanding my skills and experiences!
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