It was just a few years ago that I was an introverted child, unsure of my place in the world and lacking in confidence. This was a difficult moment in my life as I never really understood how to deal with certain problems and issues in life.It slowly started to become difficult on how to deal with certain problems and tackle them properly. An instance I recall was when I had to speak to a group of people which was really terrifying for me and I noticed myself running away from it.
But everything changed when I joined the enterprise community.
Through the various programs and activities offered by the community, I was able to learn new skills and gain valuable experiences that helped me to come out of my shell. I discovered my passions and interests, and developed the confidence to pursue them.One of the most impactful experiences I had was participating in a public speaking program. At first, the thought of speaking in front of a group of people was terrifying to me. But with the guidance and support of the community, I was able to overcome my fear and become a more confident and effective speaker.In addition to public speaking, I also had the opportunity to learn about business, finance, and entrepreneurship. These skills not only helped me to understand the inner workings of the business world, but also gave me the tools and confidence to pursue my own entrepreneurial dreams.
I remember working on the Latte Art project which was quite the enjoyable experience for me. Scrum meetings were held for this project. These 15 -20 minute meetings are done to ensure strong follow-up daily and they taught me, in a way or two, the importance of being up to date on the matter. These meetings allowed me to come together with my team and work toward the progress of our project, everyday. We could follow up and brainstorm new ideas and overcome even the much difficult obstacles together as a team. So I suppose learning how to work with my team was another thing I gained an understanding of and this has helped me to a great extent till date.
The Service Design Project, another one of my great learning experiences. I am especially grateful to have participated in this project as it taught me one of my greatest strengths today which is carrying out interactions. When I was much younger, a teenager or so, I was oddly shy, quiet, an ‘introvert’, as my parents would like to call it and rightfully so. Only when I started working on this project did I realize that interacting with new people may turn out to be a rather interesting activity, after all. I also got the chance to see ‘a life in the day’ of an artist which proved to be a very insightful experience. Interacting with him was a task at first, but I eventually ended up making a friend. Stepping out of your comfort zone has some real pleasant outcomes, I would say.
And then came my self discovery day, when I wrote a blog on ‘how I discovered self belief’, it was also how I discovered my (once- non- existing) expressive writing skills and wrote an entire blog. I wrote it in a time when ‘my thoughts were stars I couldn’t fathom into constellations’ , a quote from my favorite book.
Through my journey in the enterprise community, I have come to realize that anything is possible if you set your mind to it and are willing to put in the hard work. I am now a much more confident and self-assured individual, ready to take on the world and all the challenges it may bring.
I am forever grateful for the opportunity to be a part of this incredible community and the positive impact it has had on my life.
- #catapult fest
- #enterprise 1.0
- #karo
- Accountancy
- Aerodynamics Activity
- Agile Methodology
- agile project management
- AI in education
- Alternative Education
- apple
- architect
- Automation in Marketing
- Basement Projects
- BBA Degree
- BBA program
- bill gates
- Business
- Business Education
- Business Frameworks
- Business Model Canvas
- business-minded
- Career
- Career Planning
- Chaos Theory in Education
- client outreach
- co-working
- College Life
- Communication Skills
- Competency-Based Education
- competition
- coworking space
- Crackerjack games
- Creativity in Education
- Curious Inquiry
- curriculum design
- Customer Experience
- Customer Journey Mapping
- Data Collection
- Deconditioning Thinking
- design
- Design Thinking
- Digital Marketing Funnel
- Digital Outreach
- Ecological Sustainability
- Economics
- education change
- Education Innovation
- Education Reform
- Educational Change
- Educational Innovation
- Educational Policy
- Educational Reform
- Educational Research
- educational transformation
- Emotional Quotient
- Emotional Resilience
- Engineering
- enterprise
- enterprisefellow
- entrepreneur
- entrepreneurial education
- Entrepreneurial Mindset
- Entrepreneurship
- Ethical Business
- Exams
- Experiential Learning
- experiential learning projects
- fellowship
- fresh energy
- gates
- goals
- Grades
- gratitude activities
- Guided Reflection
- Hands-on Education
- Hands-on Learning
- happiness
- happy
- Higher Education
- higher education in India
- History Literature Fest
- Homeschooling
- human skills
- ideation and execution.
- india
- industry collaboration
- Industry Mentors
- industry project
- Industry-Relevant Education
- Industry-Relevant Skills
- Influencers
- innovative education
- Innovative Learning
- interiors
- IStartedYoung
- Jamboree event
- jobs
- leadership development
- leadership strategies
- Learning Challenges
- Learning Spaces
- lets enterprise
- LinkedIn profiles
- malcolm gladwell
- management apprenticeships
- management concepts
- Mental Fitness
- Mentored Apprenticeships
- Mentorship
- microsoft
- Money as Means
- mood boarding
- Multidisciplinary Development
- Multidisciplinary Education
- Multidisciplinary Entrepreneurship
- Networking
- networking skills
- non-formal education
- opportunities
- opportunity
- outliers
- personal branding
- Pitching Skills
- Porter’s 5 Forces
- potential
- Practical Education
- Problem Solving
- Productivity
- professional development
- project debrief
- project management
- Project-Based Learning
- Prototyping
- pune
- Pune University
- Quality of Life
- Real-life Case Studies
- Real-Life Projects
- real-world experience
- real-world skills
- realization
- reflective learning
- REGEN networking
- Relationships
- Research Methodology
- retail experience design
- Rock Your CV
- rural immersion
- S.W.O.T Analysis
- Self Belief
- Self-Awareness
- Self-Care
- Self-Compassion
- self-designed learning
- self-learning
- Service Design
- silicon valley
- skill enhancement
- Smart Campus
- Social Media Content Creation
- Social Security
- Socially Meaningful Projects
- space
- Spiritual Experience
- Stahl cookware
- Stephanie Cox
- steve jobs
- Story telling
- Storysells
- Structured Outreach
- Student Clubs
- Student Engagement
- student innovation.
- student projects
- Student Reflections
- student success.
- Student-Partner Projects
- students
- Study
- success
- successful
- Teaching Innovation
- team bonding
- teamwork
- TEDx Speaker
- Teen Education
- Teenagers
- terminal
- transformative learning
- Trek to Visapur Fort
- UG-M.E.D. Program
- Undergrad Degree Program
- undergraduate business education
- Unschooling
- Urmila Samson
- US Green Card
- Vendor Research
- Work
- Work-Life Balance
- working degree
- youth
- Youth Empowerment