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Friends – The Catalyst of your life

When you’re young, you are generally a part of either the over-enthusiastic or the very conservative gang. I was hanging in the middle where it wasn’t like I didn’t talk to people but I still believed even after we’ve spoken for quite some time he/she may not be my friend. The reason behind that was Friends – The Catalyst of your life

Taking leap of faith and trust

Hi, my name is Tarun Mehta. I am from Jodhpur, Rajasthan. I am someone who deeply cares about sales and business development. Last year, I joined Enterprise India Fellowship in March and committed myself to participate in this year-long program where I got the opportunity to explore different real-life business projects, be part of a Taking leap of faith and trust

Reprogram Myself

  Throughout my childhood, there’s been one thread that has weaved all my life choices. That thread is of fear of being left alone, unwanted, and unneeded. This fear has pushed my limits to incredible levels. I got out of my comfort zone and did things that I would have never even imagined. But I Reprogram Myself

Start… Loading… Welcome To The Game Of Life!

There is one thing in my life that has always been constant ever since I was born. It didn’t matter if it was a good or a bad time. It was the first time our house had a computer. Little did I know that it would pave the road for my future.  The first memory Start… Loading… Welcome To The Game Of Life!

From Jodhpur to Surat to Nashik to Pune – it’s been a journey!

After the 12th, we all plan to move out of our hometown and explore new places surrounded by new people, new experiences and opportunities. I had the same plan until I found a better option according to my needs and stayed in Jodhpur, but in the back of my mind, the dream was still there; From Jodhpur to Surat to Nashik to Pune – it’s been a journey!

Getting confident enough to achieve goals

Being in your early 20s where you are figuring out your career, relationship, health and knowing yourself. Knowing yourself is a journey of lots of self-doubts and this year started with a birthday wish from my mentor to be able to find my value, create results and get out of my self-doubt. I started my Getting confident enough to achieve goals

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