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Just an Ordinary Girl

  Hi! Welcome to my blog. Here is something interesting you need to know about me before you read the blog. I am a 20-year-old enthusiastic girl, and I don’t shy easily. Also, growing up, I loved receiving compliments. But for some reason along the way, I developed a perception that accepting compliments make you Just an Ordinary Girl

‘Hot & Sour’ Creates A Good Leader

Have you ever thought about what defines you? These days, all I can think of is ‘‘What defines Apeksha?’ Recently, someone asked me to define myself. Such a simple question, right?  But yet, I struggled to answer. I was blank. Then I was asked what are some of the good qualities I have inherited from ‘Hot & Sour’ Creates A Good Leader

Miles To Go Before I Sleep

Who Am I? How do people see me? How do I see myself? What is my personality?  My mind was filled with these questions. Don’t worry, I was not in the middle of an identity crisis, I assure you. I was working on my childhood dream to have a website. I wanted it to be Miles To Go Before I Sleep

एक बदलाव

जहां पर आपका इरादा सही होता है तब आपको जो अवसर मिलता है वो अनपेक्षित होता है । ऐसा ही कुछ मेरे साथ हुआ 2019 में. December 2019 में एक कॉल पे मैने आदित्य झुनझुनवाला से बात किया और उनसे बात करना और पुणे जाना ये सब अपने आप  हो गया या और इस्को मौका एक बदलाव

Hello 911? I think I’m having an identity crisis.

[dropcaps type=’square’ font_size=’80’ color=’#4a4a4a’ background_color” border_color”]H[/dropcaps]ow do you feel when you receive a compliment from someone? Do you accept it and believe that you have the quality people tell you you have?  Honestly, I don’t like to be labelled as having a ‘quality’ in me. The whole process feels painful and uncomfortable – accepting a Hello 911? I think I’m having an identity crisis.

Revealing my Hidden Traits

Hi there! My name is Anish. I’m a college dropout, now a Coffee Professional, an Artist and an Entrepreneur. I’m on a mission to spread awareness about Specialty Coffee in India where the majority is fond of milk and sugar and hasn’t really explored the actual taste of great coffee. Talking about my mission so Revealing my Hidden Traits

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