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A journey of Defiance and Destiny

The little girl was barely 7-8 years old when she started questioning. She didn’t understand why things were the way they are and why was she asked to keep quiet! The curious mind did not find answers and she kept thinking. She was a dreamer of sorts, wanted to fly and touch the clouds, feel A journey of Defiance and Destiny

“Stop Judging on one”

It was winter of 1982 when around 300 students of all the senior classes of the school gathered in the Fatima Hall, O.L.F. Aligarh. It was that much anticipated farewell day at school when the principal declared the ‘ Student of the Year’. It is the event of the year for which everyone waits for. “Stop Judging on one”

Change is the only constant

In 9th grade, I was diagnosed with dyslexia and dyscalculia, which led to me failing and needing to repeat the year. Despite this setback, I remained determined to pursue my dream of becoming an engineer. I pushed myself out of my comfort zone and dedicated 14 hours a day to studying for the next four Change is the only constant

Finding Balance in Chaos

Starting my CA articleship seven months ago felt like embarking on a thrilling roller coaster ride. I was filled with a blend of excitement and nervous anticipation, ready to take on the challenges that lay ahead. The prospect of this new chapter in my career was exhilarating, and I felt well-prepared to face any obstacles. Finding Balance in Chaos

The Past, Present and the Future

There is a character, he always ends up finding himself in problematic situations that he created for himself. Things like being worried about getting fired from his job when he is totally doing fine an nothing has changed to warrant that kind of change. He could never trust people easily due to his past and The Past, Present and the Future

Are Teenagers REALLY lazy?
Busting Myths with a higher-ed model that motivates.

Dear Reader, We often hear: “Teenagers are lazy!” “Teenagers don’t want to learn!” “Teenagers are not interested in anything!” “Teenagers are on their screens all the time.” (Actually, everyone is! So this newsletter may be helpful for everyone!) Student-partners at Let’s Enterprise working on their projects. “Employees are lazy!” “Employees don’t want to learn!” “Employees Are Teenagers REALLY lazy? <br> Busting Myths with a higher-ed model that motivates.

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