
India's 1st Undergrad program integrating life skills with real business exposure

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Our First Quest As An Enterprise Fellow

Beginning of a Journey On the 24th of September, we walked in to the Enterprise Space fully aware of the 9 month long commitment we had given to be a part of The Enterprise Fellowship. When I entered the space, there were 18 aspiring entrepreneurs equally scared of the commitment they had given to the Our First Quest As An Enterprise Fellow

Enterprise Space Pune

A funky office space for college students to create and collaborate in

[dropcaps type=’square’ font_size=’80’ color=’#4a4a4a’ background_color=’#ffffff’ border_color=”]T[/dropcaps]hose who have studied literature or, for that matter, those who like to read, must have heard of an essay by Virginia Woolf, titled as “A room of one’s own”. This room that she spoke about was a literal and figurative space for women like her; a space that they A funky office space for college students to create and collaborate in

“What we are looking for is attitude.”

I was surprised to see him using a makeshift spade to make little trenches. He was planting little saplings in the narrow patch of soil. As I got out of my car, with curiosity I asked him which variety of flowers he was planting. I assumed that maybe the society authorities had asked him to “What we are looking for is attitude.”

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