
Symbi Eco Grad is creating herself as a ‘business engineer’

28 April 2021

Shreeya Mendiratta’s openness and curiosity is ever growing.

“The knowledge you have is limited to your experiences. Knowing this, I wanted to use my fellowship as a playground to explore. I stayed  open to everything that  happened here- and everytime I hit a roadblock, I knew that it would  level me up and prepare me for when I am an entrepreneur,” says Shreeya. She started doing things beyond college, as she did not want to constrict her experiences to just academics.

As the second year of her college was about to end, her curiosity brought her to a career clarity workshop at Enterprise post which she decided to join the fellowship. “I was feeling quite lost about what to do because dad was like why don’t you give GRE/GMAT, and I thought it is a good idea as my second year is over- and a lot of people start studying for it. And at that moment it hit me that I just have not been as serious as I would have liked about my career,” shared Shreeya.

Shreeya made good on her intention to explore herself and her strengths by being open minded and involving herself with different kinds of projects. During the span of the Fellowship, she worked on more than six projects including in-house projects like #start, #karo & Chandrayaan0.0, and projects with clients like Bizchamp & EcoFriends Community. For her, the most interesting part was that they were learning all these business concepts in the sessions and were actually having a project at the same time to apply them. 

She did not work on projects for the sake of it, and always strived to understand and align with the intention behind each project. “For her it’s about ‘the why’ and really understanding the motive and reason behind everything we do and why we do it- which is kinda cool other than working robotically,” says Ishaan Kanoi, a Sr. Auditor at Cummins and an Enterprise Coach. No matter the challenges, she not only showed up and kept going at her projects, but also did so with a caring approach and regard for the other people she works with. “She is extremely sensitive towards people, projects and other people’s feelings, and at the same time very inquisitive to know more, and ask a lot of questions.”

She fearlessly takes on projects and challenges with a growth mindset, and has felt her attitude towards challenges change as she worked with more people on different projects. “Usually challenges would scare me and I would not even want to see them and I would not look at them proactively. But now, when challenges arrive, I still have a lot of the old scares, but ooh god now I have become so open that I am like, “okay let’s do this, let’s do this!”

A competency Shreeya has started to build a mastery over is hosting spaces for people and communities. She organized and hosted two content based sessions for her peers on “Active Listening” and “Demystifying Excel to Organize Data”, and also started hosting virtual game nights for communities and groups during the covid crisis induced lockdown.

She and Hatim Choonawala (another Enterprise Partner) co-founded Sunday Game Nights to host online game nights to bring together communities and families who are scattered across the world. They create an entire experience completely based on the interests of the families to help them bond, express gratitude and make them have fun in interesting ways. “She is an amazing host and is very good at connecting with people and creating a fun and chilled atmosphere for them,” says her partner Choonawala.


Being involved in the projects and community have also positively affected other aspects of her life. She shared, “It wouldn’t be enough to say that I’ve undergone a transformation in all areas of my life. I have more clarity in my thoughts – and that I owe completely to the conversations I have with people here. I have more confidence in my abilities – all due to the abundance of opportunities available here. I have become more involved in my family, in how I take decisions, with my friends and have become proactive-even in my online classes-and my friends wonder how I do that- it’s just taught me to embrace everything. Most importantly, I’ve seen myself grow into taking ownership and responsibility of my life – deciding where I want to take myself. I never saw the ‘doer’ in me so clearly before, and now it’s just made me value #karo more and more.”



Shreeya Mendiratta

Hometown: Pune, Maharashtra

Interests: finance, sustainable fashion & art

Fellowship Span: Apr 2020- Apr 2021

Fellowship Activities Sneak Peak: 

-Worked on 6+ projects including Enterprise projects like #karo & Chandrayaan0.0, and projects with clients like Bizchamp & EcoFriends Community

-Organized & hosted 2 content sessions for peers, and 8+ Game Nights for different families & communities

-Created 2 blogs and 2 podcasts

Plan after Graduation:– Working as a Publisher Development Associate at Media.net and co-leading Sunday Game Nights to host fun experiences for communities


“She has grown leaps and bounds and the single most important reason for that has been her commitment to show up and be there to make things happen!” says Yusuf Hakim, a Co-Founder of the fellowship who is one of the coaches/mentors for the Enterprise Partners.

The Enterprise team has experienced that Shreeya has a strong sense of situational leadership. She can be funny and playful, she can be curious and vulnerable, and she can be precise and focused when needed. She has the innate ability to effortlessly switch gears – evident in all the projects she has been deeply involved in. She took on some of the most challenging projects in the Enterprise platter where goals changed, results took time, energy levels dipped, but she continued to shore up. She continued to smile. Shreeya’s grit and perseverance is what we believe will take her far in life.

Shreeya says that “Ever since I opened my first school textbook, I’ve been hooked to understand how the world works & how little things in life connect to a bigger picture. I’m curious to learn different disciplines and apply them to solve problems, or to create ideas – and be a ‘business engineer’! I want to live my life by staying inquisitive, crusading with grace, nurturing love and standing up for those who are powerless!”

Interviewer & Author: Akash Bhalerao
Video Editor: Hiral Narogi
Story Editors: Aditya Jhunjhunwala, Lubaina Cementwala, Yusuf Hakim, Ankita Parashar
Webpage Designer: Dnyanesh Chandewar

A competency Shreeya has started to build a mastery over is hosting spaces for people and communities. She organized and hosted two content based sessions for her peers on “Active Listening” and “Demystifying Excel to Organize Data”, and also started hosting virtual game nights for communities and groups during the covid crisis induced lockdown.

She and Hatim Choonawala (another Enterprise Partner) co-founded Sunday Game Nights to host online game nights to bring together communities and families who are scattered across the world. They create an entire experience completely based on the interests of the families to help them bond, express gratitude and make them have fun in interesting ways. “She is an amazing host and is very good at connecting with people and creating a fun and chilled atmosphere for them,” says her partner Choonawala

Being involved in the projects and community have also positively affected other aspects of her life. She shared, “ It wouldn’t be enough to say that I’ve undergone a transformation in all areas of my life. I have more clarity in my thoughts – and that I owe completely to the conversations I have with people here. I have more confidence in my abilities – all due to the abundance of opportunities available here. I have become more involved in my family, in how I take decisions, with my friends and have become proactive-even in my online classes-and my friends wonder how I do that- it’s just taught me to embrace everything. Most importantly, I’ve seen myself grow into taking ownership and responsibility of my life – deciding where I want to take myself. I never saw the ‘doer’ in me so clearly before, and now it’s just made me value #karo more and more.”


Shreeya Mendiratta

Hometown: Pune, Maharashtra

Interests: finance, sustainable fashion & art

Fellowship Span: Apr 2020- Apr 2021

Fellowship Activities Sneak Peak: 

-Worked on 6+ projects including Enterprise projects like #karo & Chandrayaan0.0, and projects with clients like Bizchamp & EcoFriends Community

-Organized & hosted 2 content sessions for peers, and 8+ Game Nights for different families & communities

-Created 2 blogs and 2 podcasts


Plan after Graduation:– Working as a Publisher Development Associate at Media.net and co-leading Sunday Game Nights to host fun experiences for communities



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