When you are young you have some dreams and an imagination for going to college. As I have Imagined college life was all about going to cafes, just roaming around and spending time with friends.Going to Night parties, clubs & concerts was on the top of our bucket list. When I started going to college I was excited. I started spending time with friends and going to parties,concerts & that’s what lifestyle meant to me.But I never felt energized.I would just go to not feel left out. I also had the fear of losing over my friends, and I went out every weekend with them. During this time, I did not fulfill any responsibilities. Doing all this you never feel like you are achieving something. Your brain is occupied with just messing around.I used to wake up late and I was not committed to anything. We used to go to college whenever we felt like.I had started going to dad’s office, but I was not punctual with my commitments.
After completing my seventh semester of Mechatronics Engineering everyone had one question for me: what are you gonna do after college? Am I going to join the family business, get a job or go for an MBA? I didn’t have any answers to everyone’s questions. I started reflecting on my thoughts. I was handling my family business and I realized that maybe it was not enough for me. I wanted to do something much bigger. While thinking further, I recalled I used to be weak in my academics. I even failed in 9th class. Even then I was able to secure 72% in my 10th class and clear JEE exams. How was I able to achieve so much? Because of scheduling my days and being committed to myself.
Then on November 1st of 2022, we went to our village Bhana in Haryana and also visited our ‘Kuldevi’ which we had been planning for such a long time. My cousins and I had the best time ever. This was the first time I was visiting my village. This family time made me realize how loving and caring we are towards each other. And after this trip, I started reflecting on my thoughts. I understood the importance of family.
A couple of days after coming back, I went to a concert with my friends.I felt like I was wasting a lot of time and energy over this. These things were not making me happy at all. Because of this, I was not able to create a schedule, I was not able to deliver on my commitments. Because of this whole day, I feel drowsy. I was not able to challenge myself.
I had a few more experiences like when I was working on a project with my project partners who are more experienced than me. I was not able to utilize their experience and learn from them as much as possible because I used to commit some time and come an hour late. I used to not follow deadlines or stick to my commitments. I felt guilty but wasn’t able to come out of it because I had made a habit of not being committed or punctual.
My dad always says, “If you don’t start getting up early, you can’t do anything” and I used to just ignore him. Now, he has stopped telling me about this as I was not taking any action.
Recently, my uncle was admitted to the hospital. My dad asked me if I could take breakfast the next morning. He made a condition that I need to reach there by 8:30am. But I was working on a project that needed to be completed by the same morning. I accepted the challenge. So I worked on the project till 2:30am, then also was able to reach the hospital by 8:20am. Everyone at home was surprised I was able to make it. That gave me the feeling of achievement, I was able to complete both tasks on time.
This experience showed that if I reflect on my actions and then take appropriate steps, I am able to challenge myself under any conditions and be able to achieve them at any cost.
I have been scheduling my days for the last few weeks and feel energized the whole day. My ability to work has increased by 3X. By waking up 2 hours early I have seen so much change. Now I am again able to challenge myself. Writing this helped me to reflect on my actions and improve them. That was not easy for me too but constant reflection is going to definitely help us to achieve our goals on time.
Would love to take on new challenges.
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