What do you start your day with?
A cup of tea? A morning walk? Checking your phone?
Unconfident, Self Doubt, Anxiety.
Well, these are the things I start my day with.
I’m not a person who wakes up and scrolls through social media. When I wake up, I look at my calendar and the tasks that I have to do. And I don’t know why, but it starts making me feel unconfident when I look at it.
I start doubting myself.
Will I be able to do it?
How will I do it?
What if I couldn’t?
Am I a coward?
But on the contrary, my family, my friends and colleagues have always believed in me. They always say positive things.
“You have such good willpower. “
“You do things easily.”
“You are a confident person.”
“You have good control over your feelings and emotions.”
“You are so strong.”
“You inspire us.”
Listening to all these compliments would give me temporary happiness. But after a few hours, I would doubt myself again.
I was so unconfident that I couldn’t even talk properly to a random person – either it’s a delivery guy at the doorstep or Airtel wali ladki on a phone call.
One of the reasons I was anxious and worried was – [blockquote text=”What am I going to do after college?” text_color=”” width=”” line_height=”undefined” background_color=”” border_color=”” show_quote_icon=”yes” quote_icon_color=”#4285F4″]
Two months before my college got over, I couldn’t beat my anxiety and had no idea what I was gonna do.
It was not that I had no option, I was anxious because I had multiple options. I was confused about what to choose.
Family Business? I didn’t want to join it at the age of 21.
MBA? I got 35 percentile in CAT and failed to join IIM.
Job? Why should I do a job when I have my own family Business, log kya kahenge?
Eventually, I ended up choosing which was not an option – Enterprise India Fellowship, Pune.
I became a partner at Enterprise in April 2020.
I was curious how this journey would turn out. Because I chose a path that was going to take me to my destination.
I knew somewhere in my heart that it was going to be a roller coaster ride. I didn’t wear a seatbelt and the ride began.
Other partners joined from different cities and I didn’t know any of them.
I was with random people of different age groups. I got a mentor who could guide me and opportunities to work on real-life projects.
And yes, it started the way I wanted – Adventurous.
I always enjoyed and loved roller coaster rides, but I started noticing that I’m actually enjoying it with a bit of fear.
I used to work for more than 15 hours a day. To be honest, even at the time, I was not confident, was worried and doubting myself.
And then, I started working with 4 partners.
I was totally out of my comfort zone. But the hunger of ‘doing’ kept me going.
I was stuttering, repeating the same words in a sentence, mixing two words and forming a new ill-logical word while I was talking to them. I was scared, literally scared. I was wondering, what would the partners think?
Will they support me or laugh at me?
Do you know how I dealt with it? I simply told them how unconfident I was feeling and doubting myself that I couldn’t work.
Me: “Guys, I’m not feeling confident. I don’t know what and how to do it?”
Partners: “Yes, don’t worry. We are a team and we are here to support each other.”
Seems like a filmy reply, right? But that was real. And then I saw the magic. Yes, they supported me. I was spending around 7-8 hours with them in a day.
I liked working throughout the day. Imagine waking up every day at 5 am during the lockdown and starting your day with Zoom meetings! I loved it.
Attending Scrums, working with Agile Methodology and learning Soft and Hard Skills.
I was in a growth environment, the way I wanted.
However, as months passed, the complexity of the work also increased.
But I kept on grabbing the opportunities. I never said ‘No’ to any opportunity.
Yes, I was feeling unconfident, anxious and self-doubt, that was obvious.
However, I never took a step back. I kept on doing and doing and doing – #Karo.
Now when I see myself, I feel 10 times bolder. I can see how far I have come. However, there’s still a long way to go.
So far my journey feels like an ordinary roller coaster, but now I’m ready to experience the Formula Rossa.
- #catapult fest
- #enterprise 1.0
- #karo
- Accountancy
- Aerodynamics Activity
- Agile Methodology
- agile project management
- AI in education
- Alternative Education
- apple
- architect
- Automation in Marketing
- Basement Projects
- BBA Degree
- BBA program
- bill gates
- Business
- Business Education
- Business Frameworks
- Business Model Canvas
- business-minded
- Career
- Career Planning
- Chaos Theory in Education
- client outreach
- co-working
- College Life
- Communication Skills
- Competency-Based Education
- competition
- coworking space
- Crackerjack games
- Creativity in Education
- Curious Inquiry
- curriculum design
- Customer Experience
- Customer Journey Mapping
- Data Collection
- Deconditioning Thinking
- design
- Design Thinking
- Digital Marketing Funnel
- Digital Outreach
- Ecological Sustainability
- Economics
- education change
- Education Innovation
- Education Reform
- Educational Change
- Educational Innovation
- Educational Policy
- Educational Reform
- Educational Research
- educational transformation
- Emotional Quotient
- Emotional Resilience
- Engineering
- enterprise
- enterprisefellow
- entrepreneur
- entrepreneurial education
- Entrepreneurial Mindset
- Entrepreneurship
- Ethical Business
- Exams
- Experiential Learning
- experiential learning projects
- fellowship
- fresh energy
- gates
- goals
- Grades
- gratitude activities
- Guided Reflection
- Hands-on Education
- Hands-on Learning
- happiness
- happy
- Higher Education
- higher education in India
- History Literature Fest
- Homeschooling
- human skills
- ideation and execution.
- india
- industry collaboration
- Industry Mentors
- industry project
- Industry-Relevant Education
- Industry-Relevant Skills
- Influencers
- innovative education
- Innovative Learning
- interiors
- IStartedYoung
- Jamboree event
- jobs
- leadership development
- leadership strategies
- Learning Challenges
- Learning Spaces
- lets enterprise
- LinkedIn profiles
- malcolm gladwell
- management apprenticeships
- management concepts
- Mental Fitness
- Mentored Apprenticeships
- Mentorship
- microsoft
- Money as Means
- mood boarding
- Multidisciplinary Development
- Multidisciplinary Education
- Multidisciplinary Entrepreneurship
- Networking
- networking skills
- non-formal education
- opportunities
- opportunity
- outliers
- personal branding
- Pitching Skills
- Porter’s 5 Forces
- potential
- Practical Education
- Problem Solving
- Productivity
- professional development
- project debrief
- project management
- Project-Based Learning
- Prototyping
- pune
- Pune University
- Quality of Life
- Real-life Case Studies
- Real-Life Projects
- real-world experience
- real-world skills
- realization
- reflective learning
- REGEN networking
- Relationships
- Research Methodology
- retail experience design
- Rock Your CV
- rural immersion
- S.W.O.T Analysis
- Self Belief
- Self-Awareness
- Self-Care
- Self-Compassion
- self-designed learning
- self-learning
- Service Design
- silicon valley
- skill enhancement
- Smart Campus
- Social Media Content Creation
- Social Security
- Socially Meaningful Projects
- space
- Spiritual Experience
- Stahl cookware
- Stephanie Cox
- steve jobs
- Story telling
- Storysells
- Structured Outreach
- Student Clubs
- Student Engagement
- student innovation.
- student projects
- Student Reflections
- student success.
- Student-Partner Projects
- students
- Study
- success
- successful
- Teaching Innovation
- team bonding
- teamwork
- TEDx Speaker
- Teen Education
- Teenagers
- terminal
- transformative learning
- Trek to Visapur Fort
- UG-M.E.D. Program
- Undergrad Degree Program
- undergraduate business education
- Unschooling
- Urmila Samson
- US Green Card
- Vendor Research
- Work
- Work-Life Balance
- working degree
- youth
- Youth Empowerment