[dropcaps type=’square’ font_size=’80’ color=’#4a4a4a’ background_color=’#ffffff’ border_color=”]D[/dropcaps]o you sometimes feel that things are not going according to you in your life?
Suddenly, Work doesn’t seem to go as planned, the promotion that you have been expecting seems to be slipping from your hand, you are facing rejections at work and in your personal life, maybe a dinner date that you were excited for cancels on you?
So this is about me and the feeling of things not going stable in my life which caused frustration, a state of annoyance, and agitation because I didn’t have control over the situation at that time. This used to cause panic, affect my consistency and productivity.
Once I was going through this I came to the realization that this is just a phase, once this time passes things are blossoming, what I’ve been manifesting is coming to me, I’m in a much happier and positive state.
So there is no getting away from the fact that life is full of ups and downs, but success depends on how we choose to approach the ride. We can be sitting on top of the world and then we can be knocked to the bottom to a place where we don’t know how to handle this change.
Over the years I’ve been experiencing this sequence of ups and downs and on noticing closely have become more aware of it. Hence I could make a pattern that my life is like the waves of an ocean, just like the ocean once the wave goes up it has to come down, the higher the wave is, the lower it drops. This high is a time in a person’s life where he is in a place of achieving and feels highly ambitious whereas being in low is a dark spot where due to lack of energy a person feels depressive.
At the age of 20, I joined Lets Enterprise which gave me a platform to work on real-life projects and while working these patterns started re-occurring. There were times where some of my projects were a hit, the results that I gave were such that were never seen before.
Then there came a time where the same me who was trying to work on another project couldn’t get considerable results. In search of better control over my consistency, I started researching and understanding the various shifts of energy to conclude that I’m no exception and this is a part and parcel of every human’s life.
[highlight color=” background_color=’#949494′]On learning more about it, I became more and more frustrated because I understood that there is no way we can have control over these various highs and lows in our life. [/highlight]
To attain more clarity regarding this, in conversation with my mentor I realized that every person goes through highs and lows but a highly ambitious person is the one who experiences an “energy boost” at the peak of the crest. Hence an ambitious person cannot hold out to these lows and thus gets more affected.
As advised by my mentor Adi, he told me that the only way to handle these highs and lows is to just naturally flow through them just like how a surfer rides through the waves of the ocean.
This realization has taught me to deal with my lows by being patient and persistent, staying on the ride (like the surfer), until I reach my destination. No matter how difficult this ride will be, no matter how fast, no matter how high the crest is, it will have a glorious end if we just go with the flow.
Just like your life if you keep pursuing your goals in the meantime sit back, hang on and most importantly enjoy.
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