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Introvert Student From Jodhpur Discovers a Skill and Passion for Visual Creation, and the Confidence to Communicate in Sales

#Beyond College Share on: Introvert Student From Jodhpur Discovers a Skill and Passion for Visual Creation, and the Confidence to Communicate in Sales 2nd February 2023 Despite being extremely shy and soft spoken since childhood, Tarun Mehta harboured a desire to communicate and be an outgoing person. Born to a business family in Jodhpur, his Introvert Student From Jodhpur Discovers a Skill and Passion for Visual Creation, and the Confidence to Communicate in Sales

Exiting to unlock The new me!

Confidence.. the word we usually hear almost daily from people we admire professionally. We watch you-tube videos on how to get confidence right? Some videos are good also. I was also a person who used to watch several videos on motivation and confidence. It felt like an adrenaline hit, but later I felt that it Exiting to unlock The new me!

Little Things

Have you ever been to a circus and seen a joker juggle multiple objects at the same time?  Well that is me. Growing up, I didn’t have the best self esteem and constantly felt like I needed to change myself to fit in, be/look a certain way to be liked. And that’s why I felt Little Things

Facing My First Failure

“Like a tree that is tested by the strongest winds, it is through our failures that we grow and become stronger. Just as the roots of a tree dig deep into the earth in search of stability during a storm, we must find strength within ourselves to weather the challenges that come our way. It <strong>Facing My First Failure</strong>

Life of an Introvert

Have you ever felt happy that a trip that you went on with your family or friends has ended? On numerous occasions I have. I even  enjoy it when my family goes to some wedding which I am not attending because then I get to be the ‘Home Alone’  boy. All these can become chapters Life of an Introvert

Different ways that I’m feeling happy

Happiness is a lot more than a word. Happiness comes in a lot of ways. Happiness is already inside us. Find ways to bring it out. I’m sharing some past December memories where I found happiness.    Getting up while the sun is about to rise and sipping your tea in an open cold environment Different ways that I’m feeling happy

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