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How I Made Hustling a Lifestyle

[dropcaps type=’square’ font_size=’80’ color=’#4a4a4a’ background_color=’#ffffff’ border_color=”]A[/dropcaps]t the beginning of the pandemic, I found myself admitted to the hospital for a few weeks. All my work and projects came to a screeching halt as I lay in bed, idle. I spent 16 hours a day resting and yet somehow, I felt more and more tired. As How I Made Hustling a Lifestyle

Integration - Featured image

Integration – Math Concept or a Working Style?

  [highlight color=” background_color=’#949494′] Wake up – Call – Sign – Sleep – Repeat! [/highlight]   [dropcaps type=’square’ font_size=’80’ color=’#ff9184′ background_color=’#ffffff’ border_color=”]I[/dropcaps]magine living this routine every day for 3 months! Checking your phone as soon as you wake up to ensure you haven’t missed any important emails. Having an elaborate to-do list that just keeps Integration – Math Concept or a Working Style?

The Subconscious Power of Desire

I have a reputation for seeing my tasks through and working relentlessly until they are achieved. I recently gave some thought to what makes me go into ‘beast mode’ when I’m working on a project I care about. Here’s what I realized: not all projects are equal! There are some projects I have a desire The Subconscious Power of Desire

The Hidden story of Entrepreneurs: Iceberg Illusion

[dropcaps type=’square’ font_size=’80’ color=’#4a4a4a’ background_color=’#ffffff’ border_color=”]E[/dropcaps]ntrepreneurial success stories would previously magnetize me and prevent me from seeing the whole picture consisting of the hard work, the failures and the moments of self-doubt. Ernest Hemingway, an American writer believed that the deeper meaning of a story is not evident on the surface, rather it shines through The Hidden story of Entrepreneurs: Iceberg Illusion

It Always Makes Sense In The End

[action full_width=’No’ content_in_grid=’yes’ type=’simple’ icon=” icon_size=” icon_color=” custom_icon=” background_color=’#ffffff’ border_color=’#4285F4′ show_button=’no’ button_text=” button_link=” button_target=” button_text_color=” button_hover_text_color=” button_background_color=” button_hover_background_color=” button_border_color=” button_hover_border_color=”] Lack of direction,not lack of time, is the problem.We all have twenty-four hour days!                                                It Always Makes Sense In The End

Minimalism: the way of life you need to adopt to gain financial independence

[dropcaps type=’square’ font_size=’80’ color=’#4a4a4a’ background_color=’#ffffff’ border_color=”]O[/dropcaps]n a fine Sunday evening, 14 year old me stumbled on my father deep in analysis and calculation. There were bank statements and passbooks scattered all over his desk.  I was curious about why he was wasting his time when he could easily hire an accountant to deal with this… Minimalism: the way of life you need to adopt to gain financial independence

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