
India's 1st Undergrad program integrating life skills with real business exposure

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Visualization – An Important Tool for Discipline

Every year, like countless others, I too make new year resolutions. Every year, like countless others, I too fail before the end of January. “I want to get more fit” For the past two years, I diligently put this on my resolution list – and failed! When 2020 came around, I decided to take a Visualization – An Important Tool for Discipline

Jagruti's various relationships with Consistency

My relationship with Consistency

[dropcaps type=’square’ font_size=’80’ color=’#ff9184′ background_color=’#ffffff’ border_color=”]R[/dropcaps]ight from when I was a child, Mumma took photos of everything! When I was born, when I walked, my first fancy dress or my first dance performance. It seems this was a trend in the early 2000s. There is a beautiful pink baby book with my name on it. My relationship with Consistency

How I Made Hustling a Lifestyle

[dropcaps type=’square’ font_size=’80’ color=’#4a4a4a’ background_color=’#ffffff’ border_color=”]A[/dropcaps]t the beginning of the pandemic, I found myself admitted to the hospital for a few weeks. All my work and projects came to a screeching halt as I lay in bed, idle. I spent 16 hours a day resting and yet somehow, I felt more and more tired. As How I Made Hustling a Lifestyle

Integration - Featured image

Integration – Math Concept or a Working Style?

  [highlight color=” background_color=’#949494′] Wake up – Call – Sign – Sleep – Repeat! [/highlight]   [dropcaps type=’square’ font_size=’80’ color=’#ff9184′ background_color=’#ffffff’ border_color=”]I[/dropcaps]magine living this routine every day for 3 months! Checking your phone as soon as you wake up to ensure you haven’t missed any important emails. Having an elaborate to-do list that just keeps Integration – Math Concept or a Working Style?

The Subconscious Power of Desire

I have a reputation for seeing my tasks through and working relentlessly until they are achieved. I recently gave some thought to what makes me go into ‘beast mode’ when I’m working on a project I care about. Here’s what I realized: not all projects are equal! There are some projects I have a desire The Subconscious Power of Desire

The Hidden story of Entrepreneurs: Iceberg Illusion

[dropcaps type=’square’ font_size=’80’ color=’#4a4a4a’ background_color=’#ffffff’ border_color=”]E[/dropcaps]ntrepreneurial success stories would previously magnetize me and prevent me from seeing the whole picture consisting of the hard work, the failures and the moments of self-doubt. Ernest Hemingway, an American writer believed that the deeper meaning of a story is not evident on the surface, rather it shines through The Hidden story of Entrepreneurs: Iceberg Illusion

THE DRIVING FORCE- An asset for taking crucial life decisions

Everyone faces a mental breakdown at least once in their lifetime. Most of us are equivocal about how to tackle this hypercritical situation.This story begins in the year 2018 . Before going to the central thesis let me tell you that My college is in Pune and my hometown is Nashik and for the first THE DRIVING FORCE- An asset for taking crucial life decisions

A panoramic view of the Pyramids of Giza

I Did It All By Myself – 36 days in a different continent

Where are you going? Actually, I am going to Cairo which is in Egypt.  What is the purpose of your travel? Ummm, I am going for an internship.  Is anyone traveling with you? I usually don’t travel solo, but today I am going alone.  But beta, if you can get an internship in India, why I Did It All By Myself – 36 days in a different continent

Create PERSONA for your product

Hi, I’m RahulIn this video I’m going to share about persona, which is most important process for any business to select their target audience and this process personally I did for my projects so in video I’m trying cover each and every aspects which I did .This video for those businessman or entrepreneur who want Create PERSONA for your product

What makes a Student an Entrepreneur : Khushbu’s Journey

After spending hours on the ‘WHY’ of our event last week, it was time to work on the ‘WHAT’ and ‘HOW’ of the event. Palak Krishnamurthy, who has been a mentor in the past 3 months of the fellowship was the lighthouse for the week. The pressure to pitch our ideas to Palak, our morning What makes a Student an Entrepreneur : Khushbu’s Journey

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